JSN Pixel provides 5 menu styles to present your website navigation. The default Joomla! built-in menu module (mod_mainmenu) is utilized, so you don't need to install any external menu modules.
Top Menu
Top Menu allows you to arrange menu items in horizontal line and assign icons to them. All icons are configured directly in menu item settings page which is very convenient.
Main Menu
Main Menu is very powerful menu built with clean accessible XHTML code structure and effective drop-down submenu panels.
Main Menu with icons and rich text
You can add icon and descriptive text to each menu item to make them much clearer and more appealing. Both descriptive text and icons are configured directly in menu item settings page, which is very convenient.
Side Menu
Side Menu is very unique vertical menu with slide-out panels. This menu is extremely efficient when you have complex navigation with a lot of menu items.
Tree Menu
Tree Menu represents menu items in clear tree-like hierarchy, which is very appropriate for indexing menu. By default all submenu items are collapsed until you select the parent menu item.
Div Menu
Div Menu is simple yet nice menu bar with items separated by slightly visible dashes. This menu is very suitable for footer navigation presentation.